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ComfortCycle Heating Belt

ComfortCycle Heating Belt

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Regular price £49.99 GBP
Regular price £99.98 GBP Sale price £49.99 GBP
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Say goodbye to menstrual cramps and pains

✅ Stop mood swings

✅ Stop fatigue

✅ Get back to your daily activities

Experience soothing relief wherever, whenever you need!

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What causes period pains?

Restricted blood flow

Restricted blood flow means fewer nutrients reach the uterine muscles which can impair their ability to contract and relax properly leading to pain.

Muscle contractions

Muscle contractions can cause pains because they increase the pressure in the area around the uterus. In some cases, these pains can be as bad as labour pains!

You may have tried...

Hot water bottle

Hot water bottles can be a common solution for period pains. However, while they do provide the heat, they are big and bulky and can hinder your daily activities.

Pills and painkillers

Another common solution for relieving period pains is over the counter pain relief medication such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

While these do provide temporary relief, they always come with side effects and are never a long term solution

We hear your struggles

That's why we developed the ComfortCycle Heating Belt.

Melt away tension

Applying heat to the lower abdomen helps to relax the muscles of the uterus, reducing the intensity of the contractions. This relaxation can help ease the cramping sensation associated with menstrual pain.

Revitalise your health

Along with relaxed muscles, the heat therapy also provides improved blood flow to the pelvic area.

This means that that the muscles receive a healthy supply of oxygen and nutrients which supports muscle function and reduces cramping associated with menstruation.

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Stop mood swings

Heat therapy has a calming effect on the body. When the body is more relaxed, any feelings of stress and tension that contribute to mood swings are reduced.

All natural solution

The ComfortCycle Belt is able to give you relief using heat and vibration alone.

This completely eliminates the need for any additional medication.

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Put an end to your menstrual cramps today!

Don't let discomfort hold you back from living your life to the fullest.